📖 Recent publications


Biodegradable Polymers

YuyaTachibanaToyokazuTsutsubaKoheiKageyamaKen-ichiKasuyaab, Biodegradability of poly(butylene n-alkylenedionate)s composed of long-methylene chains as alternative polymers to polyethylene, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, DOI

Marine Microbiology and Enzymology

Yukari Ohta, Madoka Katsumata, Kanako Kurosawa, Yoshihiro Takaki, Hiroshi Nishimura, Takashi Watanabe, Ken‐ichi Kasuya,Degradation of ester linkages in rice straw components by Sphingobium species recovered from the sea bottom using a non‐secretory tannase‐family α/β hydrolase, Environmrental Microbiology, 2021, DOI

Biobased Polymers


Senri Hayashi, Yuya Tachibana, Naoto Tabata, Ken-ichi Kasuya,Chemically recyclable bio-based polyester composed of bifuran and glycerol acetal, 2021, 145, 110242,DOI

Soil Microbiology and Enzymology


Phouvilay Soulenthone , Yuya Tachibana , Miwa Suzuki , Tsukasa Mizuno , Yukari Ohta ,Ken-ichi Kasuya. Characterization of a poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) hydrolase from the mesophilic actinobacteria Rhodococcus fascians, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, 184, 109482, DOI, Share link

Biodegradability of Polymers

Yuya Tachibana, Sunita Darbe, Senri Hayashi, Alina Kudasheva, Haruna Misawa, Yuka Shibata and Ken‑ichi Kasuya, Environmental biodegradability of recombinant structural protein, Sci. Rep. 2021,11,242, doi

Marine Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers

800px-Water Pollution with Trash Disposal of Waste at the Garbage Beach

Miwa SuzukiYuya TachibanaReika TakizawaTakuya Morikawa, Hiroyuki Takeno,Ken-ichi KasuyaA novel poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-degrading actinobacterium that was isolated from plastisphere formed on marine plastic debris, Polym Degrad Stabil, 2021, 183, 109416, doi, share link


Marine Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers (Review, Open Access)

Miwa Suzuki, Yuya Tachibana, Ken-ichi Kasuya*, Biodegradability of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) and poly(ε-caprolactone) via biological carbon cycles in marine environments, Polym J, 2020, doi, share link.

Soil Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers

P. Soulenthone, Y. Tachibana,  F. Muroi, M. Suzuki, N. Ishii, Y. Ohta, K. Kasuya*, Characterization of a mesophilic actinobacteria that degrades poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), Polym. Degrad. Stabil, 181, 109335, 2020, doi, share link

Commentary (Introduction of  EM society)

粕谷健一, 研究会へようこそ!(7)エコマテリアル研究会ー材料づくりから考える持続可能な社会, 化学, 2020, 75, 7月号, 28-29.



鈴木美和,橘熊野,粕谷健一,第II編微生物産生ポリエステルの生合成と生分解性,第5章PHAの菌体外生分解機構,粕谷健一,鈴木美和,橘熊野,第V編プラスチックの分解酵素,第2章高分子の環境分解性発現,生分解性プラスチックの環境配慮設計指針,シーエムシー出版,Nov., 2019, ISBN 978-4-7813-1487-7

Biobased Polymers

1-s2.0-S0014305719318282-ga1 lrg

S. Hayashi, A. Narita, T. Wasano, Y. Tachibana*, K. Kasuya*, Synthesis and cross-linking behavior of biobased polyesters composed of bi(furfuryl alcohol), Eur Polym J, 121, 109333, 2019, doi


粕谷健一, 橘熊野,鈴木美和,海洋時限生分解性プラスチックの創出を目指して-Could marine biodegradable plastics solve issues caused by marine plastic debris?,バイオプラジャーナル、73, 2019年10月


粕谷健一, 鈴木美和,橘熊野,海洋における生分解性プラスチックの技術開発の現状と今後の展望,環境情報科学56-61, 48(3), 2019年10月


鈴木美和,橘熊野,粕谷健一, 海洋環境での有機リサイクルを実現する,時限生分解性プラスチックの提案,繊維学会誌、411−419, 75(8), 2019年8月, doi


鈴木美和,橘熊野,粕谷健一,第3章1節「生分解性プラスチックとは何か」、第3章2節「生分解性プラスチックはどのように分解するか」,マイクロプラスチック問題等各種環境汚染と規制強化に向けた, プラスチックの環境対応技術, 〜バイオマスプラスチック・生分解性プラスチック・リサイクル・代替〜,情報機構,Jun., 2019, ISBN 978-4-86502-171-4

Food Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers

EscherichiaColi NIAIDのコピー

Y. Tachibana, KKageyamaM. SuzukiH. KoshigumoH. Takeno, Y. Tachibana K. Kasuya*, Microbial composition and polymer hydrolytic activity of Japanese washed-rind cheeses, Polym Degrad Stabil, 160: 264-272, 2019, doi


鈴木美和; 橘熊野; 粕谷健一, 海洋プラスチックゴミ問題を解決する,生分解性プラスチックを活用した有機リサイクル実現に向けて,都市清掃 72(347) 33-38 2019年1月


Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers

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Y. TachibanaM. YamahataS. Kimura, and K.Kasuya*, Synthesis, Physical Properties, and Biodegradability of Biobased Poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene oxabicyclate), ACS Sustainable Chem Eng., 6: 10806-10814, 2018, doi

Biobased Polymers


Y. Tachibana, S. Hayashi, K.Kasuya*, Biobased Poly(Schiff-Base) Composed of Bifurfural, ACS Omega, 3: 5336-5345, 2018, doi

Environmental Microbes and Biodegradable Polymers

M. SuzukiY. Tachibana, K. Oba, R. Takizawa, K. Kasuya*, Microbial degradation of poly(ε-caprolactone) in a coastal environment, Polym Degrad Stabil, 149: 1-8, 2018, doi


Environmental Microbes and Biodegradable Polymers

M. SuzukiY. Tachibana, J. Kazahaya, R. Takizawa, F. Muroi, K. Kasuya*  Difference in environmental degradability between poly(ethylene succinate) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), J Polym Res, 24: 217, 2017 doi

Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers

Y. Tachibana, M. Yamahata, H. Ichihara, K. Kasuya*,  Biodegradability of polyesters comprising a bio-based monomer derived from furfural, Polym Degrad Stabil, 146: 121, 2017, doi

Food Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers

Y. Tachibana, S. Hayashi, M. Suzuki, Phouvilay Soulenthone, Y. TachibanaK. Kasuya*, Identification of Cellulosimicrobium sp., a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-degrading bacterium isolated from washed rind cheese, Pont-l'évêque lait cru, J Polym Res, 24: 159, 2017, doi


橘熊野; 林千里; 粕谷健一, 有機合成化学者のための化合物データベース ~バイオベース化合物データベース構築に向けて~, 日本化学会情報化学部会誌 35(1) 127-132 2017年, doi

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takano, Y. Kimura, W. Nakamura, Mechanical, swelling, and structural properties of mechanically tough clay-sodium polyacrylate blend hHydrogels, Gels, 3: 10, 2017, doi

Biodegradable Polymers


T. Baba, Y. Tachibana, S. Suda, K. Kasuya*, Evaluation of environmental degradability based on the number of methylene units in poly(butylene n-alkylenedionate), Polym Degrad Stabil, 138: 18-26, 2017, doi

Biodegradable Polymers


Y. Tachibana, T. Baba, and K. Kasuya*, Environmental biodegradation control of polymers by cleavage of disulfide bonds, Polym Degrad Stabil, 137: 67-74, 2017, doi

Biodegradable Polymers


L. Joyyi, Mohd Z. Ahmad Thirmizir, Muhamad S. Salim, L. Han, P. Murugan, K. Kasuya, Frans H. J. Maurer, Mohd I. Z. Arifin, and K. Sudesh, Composite properties and biodegradation of biologically recovered P(3HB-co-3HHx) reinforced with short kenaf fibers, Polym Degrad Stabil, 137: 100-108, 2017. doi

Enzymology and Biodegradable Polymers


F. Muroi, Y. Tachibana, P. Soulenthone, K. Yamamoto, T. Mizuno, Y. Kobayashi, T. Sakurai, K. Kasuya*, Characterization of a poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) hydrolase from the aerobic mesophilic bacterium Bacillus pumilus, Polym Degrad Stabil, 137: 11-22, 2017. doi



粕谷健一; 橘熊野; 前原隆一郎; 宋君哲; 鈴木美和, 微生物パワーでプラスチックが消える, 生活と環境 61(7) 31-35 2016年


粕谷健一,「時限」生分解性プラスチック創製を目指して, 繊維学会誌 72(10) 461-462 2016年, doi


橘熊野; 粕谷健一, 非食用廃棄バイオマス由来であるフルフラールからのプラスチック合成, ペトロテック 39(2) 103-108 2016年

Soil Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers


F. Muroi, Y. Tachibana,  Y. Kobayashi, T. Sakurai, K. Kasuya* , Influences of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) on soil microbiota and plant growth, Polym Degrad Stabil, 129: 338-346, 2016. doi

Marine Microbiology and Biodegradable Polymers


C.-C. Sung, Y. Tachibana  M. Suzuki, W.-C. Hsieh, K. Kasuya*, Identification of a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-degrading bacterium isolated from coastal seawater in Japan as Shewanella sp., Polym Degrad Stabil, 129: 268-274, 2016. doi

Enzymology and Biodegradable Polymers


C.-C. Sung, Y. TachibanaK. Kasuya*, Characterization of a thermolabile poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase from the marine bacterium Shewanella sp. JKCM-AJ-6,1α, Polym Degrad Stabil, 129: 212-221, 2016. doi

Eco-friendly Gel


H. Takeno and Y. Kimura, Molecular Weight Effects on Tensile Properties of Blend Hydrogels Composed of Clay and Polymers, Polymer, 85: 47, 2016. doi

Eco-friendly Gel


H. Takeno, and C. Sato, Effects of Molecular mass of polymer and composition on the compressive properties of hydrogels composed of laponite and sodium polyacrylate, Appl Clay Sci, 123, 141-147, 2016. doi



橘熊野; 粕谷健一, バイオマス資源をプラスチック原料に! : 植物を通じたCO₂の資源化を目指して, 化学,70(8)  2015年

Biodegradable Polymers


L. Joyyi, N. Sridewi, K. Kasuya, Amirul A. Abdullah, and K. Sudesh, Fabrication and degradation of electrospun polyhydroxyalkanoate film, J. Siber. Fed. U. Biol., 8: 236-253, 2015. doi

Biobased Polymers


Y. Tachibana, H. Takayama, K. Kasuya*, Polylactide stereocomplexation facilitated by the self-assembly of complementary ion pairs at the terminal group, Polym Degrad Stabil, 112: 185-191, 2015. doi

Biobased Polymers

Y. Tachibana, S. Kimura, K. Kasuya*, Synthesis and verification of biobased terephthalic acid from furfural, Sci Rep, 5: 8249, 2015. doi

Biodegradable Polymers

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W.-C. Hsieh, G.-C. Chen, C.-C. Sung, K. Kasuya, Y. Tachibana, C.-H. Chen, M. Chen, T.-R. Ling, C.-P. Chang, Thermolability, enzymatic degradation and aminolysis of solution-grown single crystals of novel poly(ethylene succinate-co-5mol% trimethylene succinate)s, J Polym Res, 22: 231, 2015.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno, and Y. Kuribayashi, A Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering study on structures of 1,3:2,4-dibenzylidene sorbitol gels, Colloid and Surfaces A, 467: 173-179, 2015.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno, M. Yanagita, Y. Motegi and S. Kondo, Relationship between helical aggregates and polymorphs in a 12-hydroxystearic acid gel: their thermal stability and formation kinetics, Colloid Polym. Sci., 293: 199-207, 2015.


Biobased Polymers


Y. Tachibana, J. Torii, K. Kasuya*, M. Funabashi and M. Kunioka, Hardening process and properties of an epoxy resin with bio-based hardener derived from furfural, RSC Advances, 99(4): 55723-55731, 2014.

Biodegradable Polymers


T. Kabe, T. Sato, K. Kasuya, T. Hikimae, M. Takata, T. Iwata, Transition of Spherulite Morphology in a Crystalline/Crystalline Binary Blend of Biodegradable Microbial Polyesters, Polymer, 55: 271-277, 2014.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno, and Y. Kuribayashi, Structural Studies of 1,3:2,4- Dibenzylidene Sorbitol Gels, Adv Mat Res, 896: 300-304, 2014.


Biodegradable Polymers

スライド 1

J. Zhang, K. Kasuya, A. Takemura, A. Isogai, and T. Iwata, Properties and enzymatic degradation of poly(acrylic acid) grafted polyhydroxyalkanoate films by plasma-initiated polymerization, 98, 1458-1464, Polym Degrad Stabil, 2013. 

Biobased Polymers


Y. Tachibana , M. Yamahata K. Kasuya, Synthesis and Characterization of Renewable Polyester Containing Oxabicyclic Dicarboxylate Derived from Furfural, Green Chem, 15: 1318-1325, 2013.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno, W. Nakamura, Structural and mechanical properties of composite hydrogels composed of clay and a polyelectrolyte prepared by mixing, Colloid Polym Sci, 291, 1393-1399, 2013.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno and T. Mochizuki, A Structural Development of an Organogel Explored by Synchrotron Time-Resolved Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Colloid Polym. Sci., 291: 2783-2789, 2013.


Biodegradable Polymers

T. Kabe T. Tsuge K. Kasuya A.Takemura T. Hikima M. Takata T. Iwata, Physical and Structural Effects of Adding Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] to Wild-Type Poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate], Macromolecules, 45: 1858-1865, 2012.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno, A. Maehara, D. Yamaguchi, S. Koizumi, A Structural Study of an Organogel Investigated by Small-angle Neutron Scattering and Synchrotron Small-angle X-ray Scattering, J Phys. Chem. B, 116: 7739-7745, 2012.


Biodegradable Polymers

J. Zhang, K. Kasuya, T. Hikima, M. akata, A. Takemura, T.  Iwata, Mechanical properties, structure analysis and enzymatic degradation of uniaxially cold-drawn films of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate], Polym Degrad Stabil,  96(12): 2130-2138, 2011.

Eco-friendly Gel

H. Takeno, K. Obuchi, Y. Maki, S. Kondo, T. Dobashi, A Structural study of polyelectrolyte gels in a unidirectionally swollen state, Polymer, 52: 2685, 2011.